Thursday, November 21, 2013

Spider Update

The design of the spider has been further completed and the legs are now included. A bottom and side view of the spider can be seen below.

The legs will use six more servo motors to move it forward and backwards. 15 servo motors were purchased and will be used to move the spider. One of the problems that we ran into however was that the volume of the parts required to fully construct the spider are a bit more than the available material. We will be looking for a solution to this problem and may end up purchasing more material to accommodate for it.

Our first part was 3D printed on Wednesday 11/20. There was a problem with the printing due to it printing the wrong part at first. This set us back a few hours, although the correct part was printed out soon after. A few pictures of the part can be seen below. The servo was placed inside to test if it fit and it was a snug fit.

To be done in the future is further modeling of the parts in solid works which then need to be printed. The board that we are using is the servopod and the programming language is isomax. This code is going to be completed soon after the part if not at the same time. The whole group was present on Wednesday for over an hour completing parts, printing, and discussing the project as it is now and future ideas.

Another post updating the progress of the spider will be in the near future. We will have solid parts of the legs and more to come.

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