Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Contribution of Team Members and Other Info

We hope to have the finished 3D printed parts within the next couple of days, in time for the presentation this Friday, the 13th. Since the spider is close to being completed we will display the contributions of each team member and the approximate total hours spent. The division of labor for this project was the following:
Chris Tiani-programming of spider, designing of spider in blender, blog post (16 hours)
Chris Beale-designing of spider in solidworks, blog posts, project summary report  (14 hours)
Mat Roxo-designing of spider in solidworks, blog posts, project summary report  (13 hours)
Devin Westmacott-designing of spider in solidworks, project summary report  (12 hours)

The total amount spent on parts for the spider was about $50. The purchases made include: 30 micro ball bearings, 15 servos, and the RF M4 receiver and remote. The group still needs to purchase screws/bolts to put all the parts together; we estimate this will be less than $10. We are waiting until the parts are finished printing, so we can get the correct sizes.

A final blog post for the project will be made once the spider is completely finished and functional. This post will include pictures of the completed assembly, a video of the spider in action, an assessment as to how well it works and what improvements we would make based on its performance.

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